
Church History

The organization of the Church first began when our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ came to Reverend Homer Jamison in a vision and told him, "Go and build my church." Reverend Homer Jamison, being an obedient servant, did so. On April 14, 1979 at the home of Reverend and Sister Jamison, the first  organizational meeting was held. At this meeting were the church's first seven members; Reverend Homer Jamison, Sister Royal Jamison, Sister Laura Bryant, Sister Donna Hobson, Sister Vanessa Swift, Sister Gwendolyn Bryant and Deacon Calip H. Hill. Also at this meeting we were blessed with the name of our church. Many different names were suggested but Sister Vanessa Swift suggested the name Jamison Missionary Baptist Church, which was thought upon and Sister Royal Jamison suggested Jamison Temple Missionary Baptist Church, which is where our name stands today.

On April 28, 1979, the election of our church's first officers took place. They were: Reverend Homer Jamison, Pastor; Deacon Calip H. Hill, Deacon; Sister Laura Bryant, Church Clerk, Sunday School Teacher and Financial Secretary; Sister Royal Jamison, Assistant Church Clerk, Assistant Financial Secretary and Musician; Sister Vanessa Swift, Recording Secretary and Sister Donna Hobson, Announcing Clerk. Our first church service was held on June 3, 1979 at the home of Reverend and Sister Homer Jamison.

During the time between April 28, 1979 and May 26, 1979, we were blessed with our first church building located at 11522 E. Warren. Reverend Jamison knew the Lord was by his side with the finding of this building. Through the mercy and grace of God, on June 17, 1979, we held our first church service in this building. Even though storms may have risen and strong winds may have blown, we held on to our faith as the Lord continued to bless us. Soon the roots began to sprout as Reverend Jamison watered the seeds and began to shout, "LORD WE THANK YOU FOR THE THINGS YOU DO, NOW WE SEE THE VISION IS COMING TRUE."

The church family began to grow and grow and we knew that the Lord's word is always true. As the church grew, all the space had soon run out and there was no room for us to shout.

Reverend Jamison knew he had to make a move so more souls he could soothe. Some of his friends saw this as radical and wondered if the members would be apprehensive to such a move. Before you knew it, we were on the move and Reverend Jamison and Sister Jamison heard the voice of the Lord again saying," A change is to come." Then, on Sunday, March 6, 1983, we held our last church service in the building on Warren for the Lord had blessed us and taken us to higher heights.

On Sunday, March 13, 1983, we marched into our new church building, located at 14531 Frankfort and Philip: where the Lord continued to rain blessings upon us. While residing in our new home, we were blessed to be able to burn two mortgages as well as renovate our church into the beautiful temple that sets on the corner of Frankfort and Philip. Our membership has grown from 73 active members to over 400 members. At the beginning we had several ministries such as Deacons, Trustees, Young Officers, Usher Boards (Adult and Youth), and choirs: The Voices of the Temple, Joy Bells and Son's of Thunder; Mother's Board; Nurses Guild (Adult and Junior); Missionary Department; Sunday School Classes and the Sunbeams. Today our ministries have been expanded and yet condensed to include: Ministerial Staff, Pastor's Aide, Greeters, Praise Team, Inspirational Choir, Mass Choir, Sons of Thunder, Children's Church, 1st Timothy, Soul Watch Action Team (SWAT), Women of the Word (WOW), Men's Ministry, Tape and Radio Ministry, Intercessory Prayers, Youth Department, and the United Ushers Ministry.

As our church continues to progress in our worship and service unto the Lord, Pastor Jamison knows that God has more blessings in store for his children of Jamison Temple Missionary Baptist Church. HE has been given the vision of the Nehemiah Project. "This will be HOLY GROUND", he says, and we will keep that in mind as we continue to move in excellence. Jesus says, "And I say unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against thee. Matthew 16:18. The new project at hand leads us to ask, "What's that you say? Good God Almighty Nehemiah is here to stay!" For when we look out the window at the land afar we know that if we "Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." Psalms 37:3-4.

Pastor can be heard quoting, "God never gives vision, without giving provision." Therefore, we give God the Glory, the Honor and the Praise because we marched into our new edifice located at 12530 Mack Avenue at the corner of Conner with a 2 day celebration Saturday, August 9th and Sunday, August 10th ,2008! GOD DID IT! Genesis 1:1. This was by no means an easy task, but because of God's favor, Pastor Homer Jamison's tenacity and the prayers of the righteous, God has blessed us.

As we press onward, trusting and leaning on the Lord, we are still being blessed even though some of his handmade servants have gone on before us. We give them tribute today for they left landmark and were an example for us to follow.

We've come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord, trusting in His Holy word for He's never failed us yet. That's why Jamison Temple can't and won't turn around- for we've come this far by faith.



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